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The industry leading, white-label solution for online trade mark search, registration and intelligence.

Trade mark registration and intelligence services for your existing and new clients

We provide the industry leading, end-to-end partner solution for brand protection, including global trademark search, registration and management. White-label, brandable and designed as partner friendly, our platform leverages decades of experience to provide industry leading technology and ensure your valuable relationship remains with your client. Supporting multiple sales paths and a full featured Partner Portal. We make trademark registration easy.

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Our Partner Portal provides everything you need to manage your brand protection services.
Contact us for a demo.


Full service, cloud hosted, brand protection

Earn commission when your clients use our complete online brand search, registration and management system across multiple countries and asset types

Increase engagement with Search

Attract new traffic by providing state-of-the-art brand search tools directly on your website. Create millions of search optimized pages with our brand directory, ready to be hosted directly within your existing website

Real-time dashboard reporting

Measure performance with real-time dashboard reporting

Integration options

From a white-label ready to go store front to full featured API, we've got every integration option covered.

Go live instantly with our turn-key white-lable storefront.
Low level API access to search, application and intelligence for brand assets.
Partner Portal
Manually sell and manage trade marks through your own secure online portal.
Cut-n-paste trade mark search and purchase flows into your existing website.
Create separate accounts for your own partners and customers.
Affiliate Program
Earn 20% commission on successful registrations with no development costs.
View real-time activity and reporting in your portal.
Google Analytics
Connect your shopfront to external services, such as Google Analytics.
We are experts in trademarks and can help with everything from legal services.


was founded in 2008 and provides the industry leading end-to-end solution for brand protection and portfolio management, including global trademark, domain name and social media search and registration.

The System is designed to be branded to your firm and customized to suit your business process.

Questions? Contact us for further information at