Applied Marks work is of the highest calibre, presented in a professional, practical and commercially focused manner.
Success Trademark Application from
+ government fees
Total 10 year trademark registration cost from $394 including government fees.
The right name can set you up for future success.
Don't leave it to chance.
See what sets us apart from the competition.
International protection at competitive rates.
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Experience and trust.
If you’re starting something new or looking to protect something already established this is your opportunity to create your most valuable business asset. We are experienced lawyers and trademark specialists, providing the same levels of personalised service and expertise you'd expect from a large law firm, at a fraction of the cost. We’ve helped thousands of individuals and companies (large and small) all around the world create intellectual property, adding value to their business and protecting their reputation.
We’ve helped individuals and companies (large and small) all around the world create intellectual property, adding value to their business and protecting their reputation. We specialise in jargon free, cost effective trademark registrations. Both local and international. Our website provides a free online trademark search and we, with our years of experience, assist you to prepare your trademark application and file it with the trademarks office.
Our company is one of the leading providers of online trademark registration services. Our staff are experienced and dedicated, always available to answer your questions. We’ve developed innovative, world class technology to make the process of applying for a trademark as simple and cost effective as possible, all without compromising quality.